Monthly Archives: November 2016

Royal Society for the Arts speech

On Monday evening I was invited to speak at the Royal Society for the Arts. My co-panellists were Linda Riley (publisher of Diva Magazine) and Tunde Ogungbesan (Head of Diversity at the BBC). My speech follows: Let me start with a borrowed quote – “Mass media is perhaps the most powerful tool in the world […]

Passports for Health

On Monday the Department of Health’s most senior civil servant suggested that patients for scheduled surgeries in hospitals could be asked to provide their passport in order to prove they shouldn’t be charged. This is in response to a possible total of around £200 million (the figures seem to be intentionally vague) which has been […]

The Desire for Change

I guess the roots of our current politics started with the banking crisis of 2008. A massively under-regulated system had cost everyday people thousands, if not more – yet the response of the authorities was largely to bail out the banks and let the bankers walk free. The system looked after its own. Your everyday […]

Hope, not hate

It’s been 36 hours since three High Court judges ruled that Parliament must have a say in invoking Article 50. Just 36 hours. In that time emotions have run high across the land. Some of those who voted Remain feel as though they have some good news to celebrate – possibly the first for months […]